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Beware of Online Dating Scams: What to Look Out For

August 30, 2023
Beware of Online Dating Scams: What to Look Out For


Brief Overview of Online Dating
Online dating, a modern approach to finding romantic partners, has seen a significant surge in popularity over the past few years. It offers a convenient platform for singles to connect, interact, and potentially form relationships.

With an array of digital platforms available, individuals can now explore potential matches at their fingertips.

However, alongside the convenience and opportunities it offers, online dating also brings with it a risk of scams, making it essential for users to be vigilant and educated about potential threats.

Rise in Online Dating Scams

The advancement of online dating platforms has been bittersweet; while they've enabled many to find love in the digital age, they've also become a hunting ground for devious scammers.

In recent years, there's been a troubling increase in online dating scams. Fraudsters often craft believable profiles, drawing in unsuspecting victims with engaging stories and charming personas. They gain trust over time, only to exploit it by spinning tales of hardship and requesting financial aid. It's a lucrative scheme, with millions globally falling prey to these scams, losing significant amounts of money and, at times, having their personal safety compromised.

As such, understanding how online dating scams work is a crucial step in safe online dating.

Understanding Online Dating Scams

Online dating scams typically involve individuals creating fake profiles on dating websites with the intent of defrauding unsuspecting users. These scammers often pose as potential partners, luring victims with attractive profiles and engaging in seemingly heartfelt conversations.

As the relationship builds, the scammer usually spins a web of deceit, often involving stories of personal crises, financial hardships or urgent business matters, with the ultimate aim of extracting money from the victim.

These scams not only lead to financial loss but also cause emotional distress and a sense of violated trust. With the increasing sophistication of these scams, it has become more challenging to distinguish genuine users from fraudsters, making it critical for online daters to be well-informed about the common warning signs of such scams.

Common Tactics used by Scammers

Scammers employ a variety of tactics to lure and exploit their victims. Here are some common strategies:

  1. Rush to move off the dating site: Fraudsters often suggest moving communications off the dating platform to personal email, instant messaging, phone, or even snail mail, to avoid detection by the dating site's security systems.
  2. Professing love quickly: Scammers tend to express strong emotions for you in a relatively short period of time, with declarations of undying love coming unusually fast.
  3. Hard luck stories: These stories often involve some form of crisis, like a personal illness, the death of a loved one, or financial hardship, for which they request your financial aid.
  4. Inconsistent details: Their profile, stories or your conversations contain inconsistencies, signalling that they could be lying.
  5. Unwillingness to meet: Scammers often avoid in-person meetings, citing various reasons such as business travel, work commitments, or personal issues.
  6. Asking for personal information: They may attempt to gather your personal data under the guise of getting to know you better, but with the intent of stealing your identity.

Being aware of these tactics can help you spot a scammer before you become a victim. Always trust your instincts and report any suspicious activity to the online dating platform.

Types of Online Dating Scams


A prevalent type of online dating scam is 'catfishing'. In a catfish scam, the fraudster creates a fictitious online identity, complete with convincingly realistic profile pictures, interests, and life stories, to lure unsuspecting victims into a fake online romance. The ultimate aim may be to extract money, personal details, or merely for emotional manipulation.

Some signs of catfishing include the scammer's profile picture looking too good to be true, often taken from a modelling website or other public profiles. They may also be reluctant to meet in person or video chat, and their life story may seem overly complex or too dramatic.

Remember, if something feels off or too good to be true, it might well be a catfish. It's always best to approach online relationships with caution, especially when the person you're talking to seems overly eager or has a story that sounds too good to be real.

Advanced Fee Fraud

Another common type of online dating scam is known as 'Advanced Fee Fraud'. In this scam, the scammer begins a romantic relationship with the victim with the aim of gaining their trust. Once a rapport has been established, the scammer will invent a story that requires a significant amount of money to resolve. This could range from a sudden medical emergency, an investment opportunity too good to pass up, or even a desperate plea to afford a plane ticket to finally meet in person.

The scammer will promise to pay back the money, but once the victim transfers the funds, communication may cease or the scammer will come up with another reason to request more money. The hallmark of this scam is the request for money, so always be cautious if a new online romance leads to financial requests. Refrain from sending money to someone you have never met in person, and remember that genuine people will respect your boundaries, including your financial boundaries.

Romance Scams

Romance scams are an increasingly prevalent type of online dating fraud. In these schemes, the scammer initiates a romantic online relationship only to exploit the emotional and financial trust of the victim over time. Often, they create a fake identity with compelling stories of working overseas, serving in the military, or being a widowed single parent.

Once the victim is emotionally invested, the scammer begins asking for financial support for various reasons, like a personal crisis or logistical complications. These requests may start small but gradually escalate in nature and frequency.

One key red flag is the scammer pushing to move off the dating site to a more private form of communication like email or messaging apps. Another is their reluctance to meet in person despite expressing deep emotional connection. Always trust your instincts, and remember that a genuine person will never ask you to compromise your security or financial wellbeing.

Red Flags to Look Out For

High-speed Love Declarations

High-speed love declarations can be a potent sign that something's not right. Scammers know that the quicker they make you fall for them and gain your trust, the quicker they can proceed to ask for money. Be wary of someone who is too quick to profess love, especially if you've never met in person.

Genuine relationships take time to build, and someone genuinely interested in you will understand and respect that. It's essential to keep a level head and not get swept up in the whirlwind of a fast-paced online romance.

Always remember that it's okay to take things slow and to ask plenty of questions.

Vague Personal Information

Scammers often provide vague or inconsistent personal information to maintain their fabricated persona. They may avoid answering personal questions directly or give responses that are ambiguous, generic, or don't quite add up. For instance, they might have a complicated or hard-to-verify work background, or their stories about their life might change subtly over time.

They may also have limited photos or use images that look like they could be professional or stock photos. Be cautious if their social media presence is scant or non-existent, or if their profile appears recently created.

A genuine person will be comfortable sharing details about their life and will have a consistent and verifiable online presence.

If you notice inconsistencies, it could be a sign that you're dealing with a scammer.

Requests for Financial Assistance

One of the most prominent red flags in online dating scams is the request for financial assistance. Scammers may weave intricate stories of hardships or emergencies, playing on your emotions to solicit help.

They might ask for money for a plane ticket to visit you, medical expenses, or to help them out of a financial bind. The requests may start small, but they can quickly escalate. It's essential to remember that under no circumstances should you send money or provide financial information like bank account or credit card details to someone you've met online but never in person.

Genuine individuals would not ask someone they have just met online for financial help. It's always safer to decline such requests, and report the user to the platform's management.

Inability to Meet in Person

A common trait among online dating scammers is their inability or continuous avoidance to meet in person. They may claim residing overseas or frequently travelling for work as a reason for their unavailability. Alternatively, they might constantly cancel plans or avoid setting up in-person meetings, citing emergencies or unexpected occurrences.

While some reasons may seem plausible, an ongoing pattern of excuses should alert you to potential fraud. Remember, a person genuinely interested in forging a relationship would be eager to meet face-to-face. If your online match continuously dodges meetups, it's worth questioning their authenticity.

Protecting Yourself from Scams

Tips to Ensure Safety

While online dating can be a wonderful way to meet new people, it's crucial to maintain a level of vigilance to protect yourself from scams. Here are a few safety tips:

  1. Stay on the platform: Keep all communication within the dating app or website. Scammers often try to move the conversation to email, text, or phone calls where they can operate without the platform's surveillance.
  2. Do your research: Verify the information provided by your potential match. You can do a reverse image search of their profile picture or look them up on other social media platforms. If their digital footprint is minimal or inconsistent, it could be a red flag.
  3. Never share personal or financial information: Be wary of sharing sensitive information such as your home address, bank details, or work information with someone you've met online. Scammers can use this information for identity theft or other forms of fraud.
  4. Trust your instincts: If something feels off, it probably is. Listen to your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable or sense something is amiss, it's okay to cut contact and report the person to the platform's administrators.

Remember, the key to a successful online dating experience is a balance between openness to meeting new people and maintaining an appropriate level of caution.

Importance of Reporting Scams

Reporting scams does more than just protect you; it's a public service that shields others from falling victim to the same scammer. When you report a scam, you provide valuable information that can help authorities identify the fraudsters and potentially bring them to justice. Moreover, dating platforms can use your report to improve their security measures, making it harder for scammers to exploit other users in the future. Remember, your silence can unintentionally enable the scammer to continue their fraudulent activities. Therefore, it's essential to report any suspicious activity - no matter how trivial it may seem – to the website administrators and, if necessary, to your local law enforcement agency. Do not feel embarrassed or fearful. You're not alone in this, and your act of courage could save someone else from becoming a victim.


Recap of Key Points

Online dating can be an exciting journey, leading to meaningful connections, but it's crucial to proceed with caution. Remember the key points outlined in this article:

  • Be skeptical of early professions of love. Scammers often profess their love quickly to manipulate your emotions.
  • Avoid sharing personal or financial details. Keep your personal information, including your home address, bank details, and work information, private.
  • Trust your instincts and maintain caution. If something doesn't feel right, trust your intuition. Don't hesitate to cut contact and report the situation.
  • Reporting scams is essential. Your report can provide valuable information to authorities and help protect others from falling for the same scams.

By practicing these precautions, you can safely navigate the world of online dating, making it a fulfilling experience while staying protected from scammers.

Embracing Safe Online Dating Practices

Venturing into the world of online dating need not be an intimidating task if you equip yourself with the right knowledge and practice safe online dating habits. Just as you would in any other area of your life, it's advisable to take a proactive approach towards your safety.

The digital landscape offers endless opportunities to meet new people and forge deep connections. However, it's paramount that your journey is marked by caution and discretion. Keep in mind the tips highlighted in this article, and remember that your safety is always worth more than any potential connection.

Don't let the fear of scams deter you from your quest for companionship or love. Instead, let it guide you to make informed decisions, ensuring your online dating experience is both safe and enjoyable. You are in control; never forget that. Good luck in your online dating journey!

Jaqueline Gutmann
Jaqueline Gutmann
Jaqueline writes for Best10DatingGuide and is an experienced life and dating coach. Jaqueline's passion is getting the most out of your dating experience, and when she's not writing you can find her trail running in the Swiss Alps.